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 **ALERT** Webster, South Dakota

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Male Number of posts : 258
Age : 113
Registration date : 2007-10-03

**ALERT**   Webster, South Dakota Empty
PostSubject: **ALERT** Webster, South Dakota   **ALERT**   Webster, South Dakota Icon_minitimeFri Nov 30, 2007 2:36 pm

Please send your opposition to breed specific legislation to the Webster city officials listed below.

• Mayor Mike Grosek
• 1300 Main St
Webster, SD 57274
(605) 345-3068
Dave Jesme, Pres.
Mike Wilkinson
Jim Helms
Wayne Klungseth
Tony Geffre, Vice Pres.
Morgan Dorsett

City Council Meeting Minutes:

Charlotte Hoverstadt,
(605) 345-4668
Toll Free (888) 571-7582

Webster eyes vicious-animal ordinance
By The Associated Press

WEBSTER -- If you plan to own a crocodile or water buffalo in Webster, think again.

City officials are leaning toward approval of an ordinance that will ban many exotic, and not-so-exotic, pets.

The measure is designed to deal with vicious animals. Among those that would generally be outlawed would be pit bulls, Rottweilers, Doberman pinschers, porcupines, ostriches, wart hogs and boa constrictors.

However, the new ordinance would exempt animals from being classified as vicious if their actions are consistent with protecting property.

"Those who do have a vicious dog already, will be grandfathered in," Webster Mayor Mike Grosik said.

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**ALERT** Webster, South Dakota
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